And by "somehow," I mean Chuck Norris style Dragon Kicking a Samurai in the mouth. Then after we get there, we're going to Break and Enter the ancient palace, disposing of the security mobs, and work up to the throne room where we will save the world from certain destruction.
An adventure worthy of James Bond, no?
Now I just need to get myself a martini, and seduce the Mega Boss's secretary...
But before that, I shall tell the tale of a pwn'ing that took place on an airship west of the Quon continent, and the payback that occurred 2 hours later. 1st attempt at Tenzen failed. It was my fault. I deployed Pam outside of AOE range, but despite -20enm, she took hate, which moved Tenzen within reach of those blasted taru children. We had him to about 20%, and then he used his uber SC to eject everyone.
Having burnt our 2hr's and failed 2 different Wild Card attempts to restore them, and having used Icarus Wings, we decided to take a 2hr break and try again. It went much smoother. PUP is capable of a large amount of spike damage, I scored 1500 from my WS's, and about 1500 from my nukes too. Having taken 3 hours for this mission, we elected to call it a week.
I am now coming to terms with the fact that between our SMN's Predator Claws, DRK's Guillotine, and our WAR's King's Justice, I just don't get to have any hate whatsoever. If you need evidence of this, look no further than the 8-1/2 run from this week. With +25ENM and all my hate tools, I got nothing after the aforementioned oblivion that was forced upon the mobs.
I'm starting to notice now, a stark difference between CoP and ToAU. CoP bosses can typically be done well with a burn party, with obvious exceptions. ToAU boss battles seem to be more like a marathon.
The rest of the week was spent in campaign and doing Mamool Ja T2 assault. Managed to pick up 2 Hi-Potion tanks and hopefully 2/3 of needed exp to get a new medal.
I've also started reconsidering my PLD. I've made it no secret that I don't exactly enjoy the job, it seems rather futile at endgame unless I'm /NIN with tons of +Haste and +ENM gear. Still, I've been reexamining my PLD gear looking more at function. When it comes to CoP and EXP parties, all the +ENM in the world doesn't seem to help much with the spike damage flying around. But 0/6 in AU42 and 0/1 on ACP11 is forcing me to consider that I should probably focus on a gear set that loads up on Vit/Def/HP, another set for MDef and resistances, and another set with Haste/ENM.
Frankly, when it comes to tanking mobs in AU42, I'm getting the shit kicked out of me by the gears, and in CoP, +ENM only helps in longer battles. My hybrid Haste/ENM and Vit/Def/HP build doesn't seem to be working well for either.
Further, ACP11 has made me consider mdmg gear, which consists of Coral Earringx2 at the moment. If I were to invest in a couple of cheap rings, and a hefty amount of Allied Notes (200k), I could increase my resistances by +15 each, and increase my Magic Damage Taken to -18%. Could that get me my mirke? Going on ACP11 on PUP hasn't been easy, and my PLD isn't geared well enough to risk everyone else's time on that climb.
Maybe RDM will go on hold until these gear setups are obtained and tested fully, give it a few weeks of campaigning and farming. That's where I am now, see you guys next week.
The Day the World Ended
14 years ago